Posts Tagged with Age

She nodded toward me
made a comment
not a lady, or a miss,
but a girl
she called me
and it struck me
with interest
so that the idea
like a ball
rebounded in my brain
again and again and again
until I settled, pleased,
that I should be seen-
not for my years
surmised by my age,
but for the smile offered
in its place.

A Game of Breeding

I am 28, almost 29
happy in life, this Lifestyle
I enjoy with a man, who
Wants the same things I do
He says we’re “selfish”
and I don’t disagree
We want only for ourselves
just Him and Me

My girlfriends
with car seats and prams
Half-hearted plans
with a certain unavailability,
Oh the difficulty [!]
of an organised life
…No, not for me

I am content
with my OCD.

The Wrinkles Appear

Crow’s Feet [so sweet] he says
You’ve laughed a lot in your life
Either that, or
You need glasses
And here I am, giving him that look
Narrowed eyes
and then laughing
at my stupidity.