We grasped hands today
Across a table
Over our hot glasses
Of coffee and milk
I love you, were my words
As I often do
Sitting across from you
I said- Of course
I have had with others, Before
But not without the hurt;
The two polarities
I thought would forever
Dance in my heart, Then
I was looking for it
Looking for you
One lives on
With you, only ever the one
Know only one side of the coin
Only love, my love
Known it as long as we
Had been reaching to each other
Across tables.
Doubt. It circles overhead… like carrion, looking to strip the meat from my bones, until I am no more than bones.
I am convinced of the making, but the maker; Me… and the past catching up to me. Best not to amuse the mind with thoughts of roads untraveled. These choices, the action (or, inaction) of a different time.
I am alive! I am alive and well. I am here to share my moment. I am here to love wholly, discharged from my being. This doubt is only reminding me. Really.