Archive for the Lust Category
The Corner of Your Mouth

Kiss Kiss
oh do tell –
Sweet like a raspberry
pink, soft and ripe
juice trickles
and tickles my play
and all mine this time
I’m not going to share
that sensual spot
I want to lick little lick
the smile playing
in the corners of his
warm mouth
my mouth –
lest he take it from me.

Who is The Man

Who is the man
Robbing me of
my stance
This is bullshit
You know it
I know it
I question
when it’s time to
take it in my stride
when feeling
outweighs the physical
is the only thing
I deserve it
You know it
I know it
Find the balls
That have gone
Creeping up
Into your guts
Fuck me
and love me
and sing me
My profile song.


You say
Heaven won’t suffice
It’s in your make-up
To take-up
The infidelity
The crime
Brings more pleasure
Than a warm body
And a token heart
For your return
Of the beating
The ego takes
From the cheating.

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